english spoken

As we are so close to the International School we treat a lot of women from foreign countries. We can also offer you a consultation in English. This page is intended as a brief presentation of our work. 

  • What we do: In our practice, our main focus is on prevention and early detection of diseases and disorders. We would therefore like you to visit once or twice a year, even if you do not have any complaints. Operations can be carried out by Dr. Coenen on patients in the Diakonie Krankenhaus-Kaiserswerth.

  • Pregnancy care is one of the main areas we deal with. We accompany you through these weeks in a positive way and, by being available to answer any questions, to allay any fears you may have. We can achieve a high medical standard as well as personal care. Acupuncture and high-quality ultrasound are valuable forms of treatment and are available for every pregnant woman. We also offer 3D Ultrasound-examinations, a amazing impression of the unborn baby. 
    We provide further information on a protected page on this website www.frauenaerzte-kaiserswerth.de/infos
    For login, please enter the username in the field "Benutzername" and the password in the field "Passwort". You can receive both in our practice.
    If you are pregnant, you can find an english translation of the german prenatal sheet here

    Ultrasound examinations: We can offer you high quality ultrasound examinations whether you are pregnant or not. Our three ultrasound machines are state of the art and well equipped with enlargement and doppler devices and 3D ultrasound. Ultrasound examination in pregnancy allows us to image your baby from two weeks after you have missed your last menstruation. The doppler technique helps to ensure your baby's general wellbeing and oxygen supply. Examination of the breast is becoming increasingly important for every woman, and is now replacing X-ray mammography in younger woman and complete X- ray mammography in older woman. 

  • Contraception is an important issue for most women as a reliable "pill" for men has still to come. Whatever method you chose, from "natural family planning" to sterilisation, we can explain and offer every device available to help you find your solution that best suits you: whether the condom, IUD, pill, diaphragm, vaginal ring, adhesive plaster, hormone-bearing IUD, computer and calendar methods or sterilisation. 

  • What about hormone replacement therapy? Due to a massive press campaign overemphasizing the risk of breast cancer after taking hormones, a lot of women are now afraid to take advantage of this treatment. However, only one aspect of the information is being highlighted! Oestrogen taken over a specific period helps prevent hot flushes, sleeplessness and depression. Our mission is to find the therapy most suitable for you, including the option of plant therapy. We can measure your hormone level, as well as tumor marker, in our own laboratory. 

  • Early detection of cancer is possible by periodical examination of the uterus and ovaries as well as the breast. Most cases of cancer of the cervix and breast can be detected at an early stage, and cured. Modern examination techniques include cytology HPV-testing, ultrasound and manual examination. 

  • We can provide all the important information about pregnancy, bone density examination and menopause information in English. For your wellbeing during the examination we can offer you a gown. 

  • Don`t forget to make an appointment.
    You can make an online appointment with your doctor or you can call us up.  
    If you are a new patient, please print and fill in the following form and take it with you to your first visit in our practice.  

    • Past history form: open   (public health insurance)
    • Past history form: open   (private health  insurance)


Gemeinschaftspraxis im Klemensviertel
Am Kreuzberg 3, 40489 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0211 - 179985-0
Privatsprechstunde: 0211 - 179985-20


Montag08:00 - 13:00 u. 13:45 - 19:00
Dienstag08:00 - 13:15 u.14:00 - 19:00
Mittwoch08:30 - 13:00 u.13:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag08:00 - 13:00 u.14:00 - 18:00
Freitag08:00 - 13:00  


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